Is 5G harmful for your skin | Interesting facts & stats related to 5G

Frequencies generated by 5G network is not considered harmful for your skin if not overexposured, To prove this an experiment was performed using the Maxwell equation to determine the electric field and SAR (Specific absorption rate) using electric field values, The frequencies considered in the analysis are 28 GHz, 38 GHz, and 60 GHz.

The average range of frequency generated by 5G network is from 27 GHz to 300 GHz

Results concluded that most of the frequencies generated by the 5G network are absorbed in the epidermis layer of skin tissue. The maximum electric field and SAR  found when skin tissue was exposed to 38 GHz of radiation.


  • The value of the electric field and SAR are found minimum when skin tissue is exposed to radiation at 60 Ghz so we can say that 60 Ghz is considered as safest among all the three frequencies.
  • Maximum electromagnetic energy is absorbed in the exposed tissue at 38 GHz and minimum at 60 GHz.  A higher SAR value can result in higher tissue temperature (which is not good).


In an experiment, a mobile microstrip patch antenna is mounted at a distance of 2 cm from the epidermis layer of the skin tissue as shown in the diagram below. The multilayered skin tissue consists of four layers which are. epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat, and inner tissue (muscle). The physical and dielectric properties of the different layers of skin tissue are taken into consideration. 

Finite element method (FEM) based simulation software COMSOLTM Multiphysics is used for numerical analysis.

Multilayered Skin tissue
Multilayered skin tissue model with microstrip patch antenna
Source- Kārlis Dambrāns | Flickr

Difference between 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G network that you need to know

Difference between 2g3g4g5g
Difference between 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G

Advantages and disadvantages of 5G


  • Increased bandwidth for all users
  • High resolution
  • Fast speed, high power, low per-bit cost. It supports interactive multimedia, voice, streaming video, Internet, and other broadband services, more effective and more attractive, Bi-directional, accurate traffic statistics.
  • More productive and easy to manage
  • unbroken  uniform connectivity
  • Bi – directional large bandwidth


  • 5G is produced using multimeter wave ranges (MMWs) that have been used to provide therapeutic benefits in a variety of different diseases in former Soviet Union states, including skin disorders, gastric ulcers, heart disease, and cancer. Conversely, there is a chance that risks may be associated with accidental over-exposure to MMWs.
  • The research is still in progress
  • It might be available in some places as there are no required facilities.
  • Old devices cannot support this
  • The required infrastructure must be developed to support high speed 5G

Interesting facts and stats related to 5G

Forecast of 5G smartphone subscription by region

5G adaption
Source- Statista

Average speed of 4Gand 5G network in the selected region

5g speed
Source- Statista

Countries segregated by launching, deploying, and investment in 5G

Deployment of 5G
Source- Statista

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